Light Therapy (Phototherapy) –A new ray of hope for Autism. According to a study, 40- 50 percent of children and adolescents with autism have sleep problems. Light therapy or phototherapy can be a ray of hope for Autism.Usually, light therapy develops positive effects in adults, but it is also safeand effective for children with autism.
Why Light Therapy Works
Autistic children are very much sensitive to light and sound that is why music therapy & light therapy is very useful in treatment of Autism. A master clock, located in the hypothalamus of thebrain, regulates the body’s Circadian rhythms (the sleep–wake cycle).
This master clock is very much light-sensitive. Light signals the hypothalamus to release hormones, like serotonin, which helps the body feel awake. In the presence of darkness, however, serotonin is changed to melatonin—which makes the body experience sleep.
When the body does not get enough light, hormone production is disturbed, leading to many results including behavioral issues, hormonal imbalances, and sleep disorders.
Exposing your child to bright light in the morning may help to regulate the release of melatonin by helping them to experience more awake during the day & sleeping more soundly at night.
Who require the light therapy
Phototherapy (Light Therapy), which involves exposure to artificial light, is becoming a popular way to treat the seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in children on the autism spectrum. SAD is a type of depression that occurs at a certain time every year, generally in the fall or winter. During phototherapy, your child sits near a device known as a lightbox. Using a light box may also be helpful in other types of problems like depression, sleep disorders, increasing focus, school performance &motivation. You can try phototherapy on your child for the following reasons:
If the child is taking antidepressant,
- Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
- If the child has OCD, anxiety, or
- insomnia
- If you are looking for a safe treatment method with few side effects
- Attention Deficit
- Learning Delay
How much phototherapy is safe
Phototherapy is usually safe. If side effects occur, they are generally mild and short-lasting and may include eyestrain, headache, agitation, and nausea. If they occur, they may subside on their own within a few days of starting therapy.
Also Read:-Play Therapy-How much useful for Autistic Children?
Who should not take
It’s always a good option to talk to your doctor before starting photo therapy, but it’s especially important if your child is
- taking sunlight sensitive medications(e.g., some antibiotics & anti-inflammatories,)
- having an eye problem that makes his or her eyes vulnerable to light damage
- having a history of skin cancer
- Light sensitive skin conditions (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus)
Choose the right lightbox-
Light boxes are developed to filter out harmful ultraviolet (UV) light, but some may not filter it all out. That can cause skin and eye damage.
How it is given
During light therapy sessions, your child will sit near the lightbox . Phototherapy is most effective when your child has the adequate combination of (a) timing,(b) light intensity, and (c) duration:
Timing:- The best photo therapy is done in the morning just after waking up the child, which is often enough to relieve their symptoms and improve sleep. You can also give light therapy to your child in the afternoon, but avoid the use of light therapy in the evening or at night. Your doctor can help you find a therapeutic schedule that works best for your child
Intensity: The intensity of the light box is recorded in lux, which is a measure of the amount of light received at a definite distance from the light source. Light boxes generally produce between 2,500 lux and 10,000 lux. The intensity of the light box affects how away the child sits from it and the length of time he or she requires to use it.
Duration: When the child first starts photo therapy, your doctor will decide the intensity & duration.
For better results-
- Regularly follow a daily routine of therapy sessions to get improvements over time. If your child can’t do it every day, then do it on alternate days.
- Complete the course. If you stop phototherapy during the winter months or stop before completing the course, when you think your child’s symptoms are decreasing, the symptoms could return.
- If your child’s symptoms don’t improve enough with phototherapy, he or she may require additional treatment. Talk to your doctor about other treatment options like psychotherapy, antidepressants, nutritional supplementation,etc.).
If you are the parent of an autistic child who is having difficulty in sleeping, talk to your doctor about the potential benefits of photo therapy. It can help to promote better sleep while reducing symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Light Therapy could become
a new ray of hope for Autism.
If you want to implement phototherapy for your child at home, contact at 9773935777 or visit will not only get customized detailed phototherapy plan for your child & light therapy box, basic tools & resources suitable for your child, but also you will get parents training and hand holding whats-app support & online monitoring for making you and your child self-dependent.