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Home Remedies for Autism Spectrum Disorder

What is Autism?

Autism is a disorder in brain and it causes challenges to communicate with other people. That is no cooperation among different areas in the brain.

Home Remedies for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Following are some home remedies for autism that you can easily implement at home to instantly reduce the symptoms of autism.

1. Fish Oil

fish oil

One of the most important home remedies for autism is fish oil, great source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is useful to help calm people down and to get rid of their hyperactivity.

2. Almonds

Almond is important source of omega-3 fatty acids. It contains many essential nutrients, which can improve the memory.  Therefore, you should give every morning  some almonds which are soaked in water for one night.

3. Banana

Magnesium is very important nutrient in the autism treatment,and banana can provide a significant amount of magnesium naturally.  So give banana every day or  its juice to taste better.
There is a lot of advantages behind the habit of taking banana 2-3 times per day. It is supportive in the efforts of weight loss& good for the immune system to prevent diseases.

4. Pineapple

Pineapple is  simulator for melatonin in your body, which has positive impacts on your sleep quality. Autistic child can sleep well, &stay away from depression and anxiety which may trigger ineffective communication .
You should give  pineapple or its juice several times on a daily basis to reduce autism symptoms as soon as possible.

5. Tomato


6. Avocado

Avocado provides the body with healthy unsaturated fats that are supposed  to improve the process of transmitting information between nerves in the brain. Therefore,Autistic children can actually think better and faster if they use avocado regularly.

7. Spinach

Spinach consists of a significant amount of magnesium which is  effective for the autism treatment, . Thus, it should be included more in the meals of autistic children.

8. Yogurt

Yogurt is a natural probiotic. You should give your child  yogurt 2-3 times on a daily basis to speed up the autism treatment.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric gives antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects to the body. This will improve the health of the gut and ensure adequate nutrient intake so that many of the symptoms of autism can be decreased or eliminated altogether.

10. Aloe Vera Juice

aloe vera juice
Your autistic child usually feel digestive problems like leaky gut. Give your child to drink aloe Vera juice that helps in curing the symptoms of autism and improves digestion process.
Precautions: It is important to note that autism is a disorder, not a disease, and as such, there is still no adequate cure. These are supplemental remedies and should be integrated with behavioral therapy as well.
Always talk to a doctor if you suspect that your child suffers from autism because the different types of disorders within autism spectrum disorder generally utilize different treatment approaches.
It takes a lot of time and patience to manage autism and you cannot hope that it will disappear or reduce in a day or month. You should be passionate in the autism treatment so that your child will take steps  gradually into the society, instead of being isolated from his or her own world.

Web Autism

We are providing digital care of Autism by holistic approach to treat Autism Naturally by Allopathic, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic , Natural Medicine ,Diet and Therapies by a team of Autism Experts under the guidance of Dr D K Rai.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Narendra Kumar

    Very good information.

    1. Web Autism
      Web Autism

      We are glad, that you found it helpful. Thank you.

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